Count down to disclosure of the usual anticlimax?

"Dr. Greer's assessment is that this is a continuation of the slow but steady narrative that UFOs and ETI are real but that they are a threat. The ETs are NOT the threat as Dr. Greer has continually stated. The threat is the military industrial complex juggernaut towards interplanetary war.

Please see his article : When Disclosure serves Secrecy.

From Dr. Greer's paper:

"Do not be deceived. You need to be awake to the darker scenarios which some would like to thrust upon the world. And you need to know that there are alternatives. If a ‘disclosure’ is unleashed on the world which is xenophobic, militaristic and terrifying, know that it comes from the spinmeisters of secrecy- regardless of how respectable the person or group may appear to be.

And remember: Part of this disclosure plan involves the use of UFO look-alike devices made by humans in an attack on Earth or military assets of Earth. This would be a well-orchestrated use of advanced human technologies to hoax an ET attack- all for the purpose of disclosing the truth with the desired military-oriented spin. In such a scenario, most of humanity will be deceived into believing the threat from space has arrived – and that we must fight it at all costs. This is nothing more than long-term social security for the military-industrial complex. There must be people who can expose this fraud."​
The ET Cometh

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