The Galileo Project

even though there is no credible evidence that the technology exists.............

Ahhhhhhhh are these people idiots. Nothing in the last 70 yrars is credible... Tic tak. All the recent stuff. All the government commentary. About we have nothing like that and dont think our adversaries do either...
Thats notvcredible evidence...

These people are embarrassing
It appears to be the only potentially serious attempt to pull together the various sciences to examine the subject.

Why disparage it ?
It appears to be the only potentially serious attempt to pull together the various sciences to examine the subject.

Why disparage it ?
You misunderstand.
It is a great idea and a worthy cause. And I will tag along with it hoping for photoes of ET.
However my skepticism comes from this...

There is no such thing as a free lunch, "funded by anonymous donors"? No one gives away millions of dollars into a subject like this without return. With return there is expectations, with expectation comes commitment. What't the catch?
This will not be independant and unbiased, wether by politics funding or just plain self interest by the scientists. It won;t be unbiased.

Look at Covid. Scientists are arguing everyday about every aspect of covid. And they have 100s of millions of people worldwide they can take samples from and do tests. They can put this all litterally under the microscope yet still ther is no solid consensus.
The approach is tainted by government interest, $$ to the big Pharma companies, political groups etc...
And this is the very infrastructure that is going to solve the UAP/ET question?
They can't even agree on how many sugers to have in coffee.

Look at the language used by the people talking about this.
They talk for an hour and say nothing.
And when they do, it is completely non committal.
Wher have these people been for the last 70 years.
Oh thast right, they are tho ones that have made folks like me the but of jokes and told us everthing is ball lighting or swamp gas.

Why now?? $$$$$$ .

And here for me is the kicker.
How many times have you heard this or something like it. Hell you have said similar yourself.

"even though there is no credible evidence that the technology exists"

Here is the formal definition of evidence.

"the facts, signs, or objects that make you believe that something is true"
We have had govenment and military confirmation that UAPs are real, and that they exhibit functions beyond anything the USA, its allies or enemies is known to have.

" We found further scientific evidence for this theory."
Well we have the statements from the government saying that this is NOT ANYTHING we can do.

"There is not a shred of evidence that the meeting actually took place."
Well we have 70 years of sightings, more if you care to look. A small % of these fit the definition of extrodinary, such as the recent ones, So There is plenty of evidence to suggest that UAP's are real and again beyond our tech.

Evidence IS NOT PROOF, i am agreeing with that.
But many of the recent UAP sightings tick every single box above.
The evidence is.
It is not Ours
The behaviour is extrordinary.
That ET is not being ruled out.

I would say there is little to no evidence UAPs are ours,
And a hell of a lot suggesting advanced tech and by implication and advanced civilization.

Pardon me for being skeptical of the motivations of said scientists.
I wish I was better at Art, I would make a meme with a scientist with ET sittingon his head, and the ET Legs blocking his vision. The meme would read, I see no evidence of Aliens anywhere.

I have faith in science, but very little in scientists.
I wonder if by Sattelites they mean sattelites such as moons etc orbiting distant planets, or sattelites buzzing our planet,.
Maybe I misjudged this guy. I like the way he thinks here in this quote....

What is your message, exactly? I take it you’re talking about more than ‘Oumuamua.

Yes. My message is that something is wrong with the scientific community today in terms of its health.

Too many scientists are now mostly motivated by ego, by getting honors and awards, by showing their colleagues how smart they are. They treat science as a monologue about themselves rather than a dialogue with nature. They build echo chambers using students and postdocs who repeat their mantras so that their voice will be louder and their image will be promoted. But that’s not the purpose of science. Science is not about us; it’s not about empowering ourselves or making our image great. It’s about trying to understand the world, and it’s meant to be a learning experience in which we take risks and make mistakes along the way. You can never tell in advance, when you work on the frontier, what is the right path forward. You only learn that by getting feedback from experiments.

Which is the other problem with science today: people are not only motivated by the wrong reasons; they are also no longer guided by evidence. Evidence keeps you modest because you predict something, you test it, and the evidence sometimes shows you’re wrong.