Dr. Greer's Disclosure 2.0



Dr. Greer's is back with groundbreaking revelations in this pivotal moment in the history of humanity and its quest for unraveling the truth surrounding the enigmatic UFO/UAP phenomena. With immense anticipation and a sense of urgency, Dr. Greer will step forward to unveil the inception of the Intelligence Archive. This Archive stands as a guiding force for the US Government, providing invaluable insights and knowledge to shed light on the perplexing nature of UFOs and UAPs.

The Intelligence Archive, meticulously curated and crafted, signifies a monumental leap forward in our understanding of these unexplained aerial occurrences. It serves as a repository of classified information, collected over decades of research and investigation, encompassing a diverse range of reports, data, and testimonies.

Dr. Greer's unveiling of this Archive marks a significant milestone, as it not only offers the US Government a roadmap to delve deeper into the UFO/UAP enigma but also presents an opportunity for the wider scientific community and the public to engage in a discourse rooted in evidence and informed exploration. With the Intelligence Archive as their compass, researchers and policymakers are encouraged to embark on a transformative journey that will ultimately shape our understanding of the universe and our place within it.