Sentient Detected "Tic-Tac" in 2021



Image: Freepik/NRO

The National Recognizance Office or NRO, a joint CIA and USAF outfit established with the sole purpose of collecting and analyzing signal intelligence gathered from various orbital and terrestrial platforms, just released an explosive document via FOIA outlining the possible detection of the infamous "Tic-Tac" UFO back in 2021.

According to the released document obtained by John Greenewald of The Black Vault, Sentient, a research and development (R&D) program tasked with digesting satellite data and deriving useful strategic information from it, detected an object very similar to the one described by Commander David Fravor during his 2004 encounter.

Although the NRO redacted much of the document, the release describes how Sentient detected "a small (<10m) “tic tac” shaped object which did not match the visual signature of typical aircraft detections."

The document further adds that the object was "likely not a sensor artifact or focal plane anomaly," and that a second "object was also detected/ visible in a second overwater image shot in the same area ~ 15 seconds later."