El Presidente's Mayan Elf



Image: Twitter/Pixabay

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico and fervent believer that there is a hidden reality all around us, posted a photo of an alleged mischievous mythological woodland spirit known in Mayan culture as an "Aluxe." The post immediately went viral across the web, with several news outlets reporting the story and even questioning whether this was a publicity stunt meant to promote an upcoming tourist attraction known as the "Mayan Train."

The Yucatán peninsula, known for its breathtaking beauty and rich history spanning centuries, is home to the descendants of the ancient Maya, a Mesoamerican culture known for its sophisticated megalithic temples and glyphs. According to Mayan folklore, alux or aluxes, are small invisible spirits found in nature which are able to appear in human form in order to frighten people or convey messages. Akin to a goblin, residents where these creatures are said to dwell often make peace offerings to these entities in the hopes of gaining their favor and avoid being targeted by their mischievous activities.

With the development of the new tourist rail system, many are wondering if the alux are disturbed by humans encroaching on their territory. The lead engineer, who happened to take the now-viral photo, was allegely supervising the work when he encountered the creature perched atop a tree near the construction site. The chilling stare and nature of the sighting reminded many of the events that are often said to take place at Skinwalker Ranch, yet another infamous location where the veils of reality are thin.