Karl Nell Reveals Alien Presence on Earth



At a prominent New York City investment conference, Colonel Karl Nell, a former leader within the U.S. government's Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Task Force, made a bold assertion about the existence and interaction of non-human intelligence with humanity. Nell declared that non-human intelligence is real, has been engaging with humans for some time, and that this interaction is known to certain unelected government officials. Speaking at the ‘SALT iConnections New York 2024’ event alongside Alex Klokus, Nell emphasized his certainty, stating there is "zero doubt" about these interactions. He also cited national security concerns, societal disruption, and lack of a concrete plan as reasons behind the government's reluctance to acknowledge these phenomena.

Nell, who has held significant roles at Bell Telephone Laboratories and Lockheed Martin Missiles & Space, warned of the catastrophic consequences of an unplanned disclosure of non-human intelligence. He drew parallels to the Bronze Age collapse, where advanced civilizations fell due to unaddressed stressors. Nell argued for a controlled and balanced approach to disclosure, emphasizing the moral right of people to know the truth and the potential benefits of societal advancement. He highlighted the risks of being preempted by other nations, notably China, in the race to reverse-engineer non-human technology. Despite setbacks in legislation aimed at overseeing UAP information disclosure, Nell remains hopeful for future progress and stressed the importance of collective cooperation to manage these revelations responsibly.