Pentagon Fails UFO Evaluation



Image: IG
The unclassified version of the Pentagon's internal watchdog report released last Thursday highlights significant concerns about the Defense Department's approach to identifying unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The report criticizes the DOD for lacking a coordinated approach, with varying processes for collecting and analyzing UFO reports. The inspector general's investigation revealed that the Defense Department does not have an overarching policy for unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), the government's term for UFOs. The absence of a comprehensive policy raises concerns about the department's ability to identify and mitigate potential national security and flight safety threats posed by UAP. The report also points out the exclusion of regional military commands, responsible for detecting and deterring threats against the United States, in the development of UFO-related policies.

The issue of UFOs gained renewed attention following a House hearing last year, during which lawmakers criticized the Pentagon's lack of transparency in handling UFO reports. The uncoordinated and concentrated response to UFO incidents within each military department was identified as a significant flaw by the inspector general. Despite attempts by the Defense Department to address concerns by introducing a secure reporting form in October, the report underscores the need for comprehensive guidance and policies to ensure a unified and effective approach in dealing with UFO sightings. The release of the unclassified report reflects the significant public interest in the UFO phenomenon and the ongoing efforts to enhance the Defense Department's protocols in this regard.