UFO Videos Harm National Security



Image: John Greenewald/TheBlackVault

The road to disclosure continues to be a rocky one full of obfuscation and denial. Yesterday, John Greenewald of The Black Vault received official communication from the US Navy denying his request for any and all UFO/UAP videos contained within the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR).

Following the release of the now-famous 2017 Navy videos depicting unidentified objects intruding in controlled airspace and areas of operations, UFO investigators and researchers were optimistic that more official UFO footage was on the verge of being released.

Armed with this knowledge, Mr. Greenewald filed multiple Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests in the hopes of obtaining the ever-illusive, high-definition visual media the community has been anxiously awaiting for many decades, only to be disappointed once more by the secrecy apparatus within the Department of Defense.

According to the official Navy communiqué, all UAP videos "are exempt from disclosure in their entirety under exemption 5 U.S.C. § 552 (b)(1) in accordance with Executive Order 13526 and the UAP Security Classification Guide." That means neither YOU nor Red China will get to see any of the classified UFO videos stored on government servers due to national security concerns. Mr. Greenewald is, of course, appealing the decision.