UAP Task Force Report

All I can ask, is how you as researchers with a long impressive resumea's of study in this field can ignore all the positives that have come out of the years events, say nothing has changed (when everything has changed) then latch onto anything you can to bolster...whatever this is you are doing.

It is beyond my ability to comprehend.

It feels like I am in that joke, A bloke tries to insult his mate, he calls him a Stupid Fat, Braindead half man half Animal rural nit wit...
To which the bloke replies...."I am not rural!!", really!! thats your response?

What about all the positives that has changed the face of UFOlogy??

And in any case it is far from blank.
We have come from ufos are swamp gas and beleivers are crackpots.
To an open admission that not only are ufos real, but they dont know what many of them are. They dont think they're us china or russia and they are not ruling out et. That is about as bid of a backflip as anything. How is tbis nothing.