Conservative Corner

This is how I see it panning out in the not too distant future..

..It was bright outside, and on such days you could deceive yourelf that all was still well with the World. That there was no threat, no shadow on the face of the night, no remorseless system wide, approaching catastrophe. On such days one could persuade oneself it was all a huge mistake or mass hallucination...

Dr Wu will recognise the quote.

It is from 'Feersum Endjin' by Iain M Banks.

I have a sense of forboding if the Trump isn't stopped soon. The Great Lie will be followed by the Great Divide.
This is how I see it panning out in the not too distant future..

..It was bright outside, and on such days you could deceive yourelf that all was still well with the World. That there was no threat, no shadow on the face of the night, no remorseless system wide, approaching catastrophe. On such days one could persuade oneself it was all a huge mistake or mass hallucination...

Dr Wu will recognise the quote.

It is from 'Feersum Endjin' by Iain M Banks.

I have a sense of forboding if the Trump isn't stopped soon. The Great Lie will be followed by the Great Divide.
What a great writer...I still have several of his sci-fi books to read...did that one many years ago.

There is a malignancy in the 'Republican' and 'conservative' areas in the US. It's a tumor that is growing. And sadly those affected are unable to see it as a cancer. But it will destroy them and take others down with it if they don't cure themselves.
Let's play ..... :biggrin:
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These articles are an example of the mentality of the people who support Drumpf and his lies
If I had to pick one quote to exemplify Fox News’ racism, it would be this gem from Tucker Carlson, who more than dabbles in white supremacy. And this is just one flavor of Fox News’ toxicity.
"The problem is there aren’t that many hate crimes occurring in the country.” —Tucker Carlson, Feb. 23, 2019
Carlson’s comment isn’t just alarming and offensive: It’s also dangerous because it’s the epitome of gaslighting, the tactic of using lies to manipulate people. (Hate crimes are actually at the highest they’ve been in 16 years, Tucker.) Fox gaslights to cause confusion, tighten its grip on viewers and spread propaganda for the Trump White House and the Republican Party. The network is responsible for inserting toxic and fringe ideas into the mainstream, which can translate into real-life violence and hate crimes and the further marginalization of Black and Brown people.