UFO Media Frenzy

You missed the point for the sake of a rant but ok. Given you have no more idea what a hypothetical ET might want, how do you then know how our actions may effect them? If as doc postulated they may be interdomensional. If mankind nuked ourselves into oblivion. Who knows what that kind of energy might do do another dimension. You dont know any more than i do.
In any case it was hypothetical

You assume that, like yourself, that I haven't experienced extensive interaction with ET and-or their objects.

Waiting waiting. waiting. I wonder what we will be talking about after.
You assume that, like yourself, that I haven't experienced extensive interaction with ET and-or their objects.

If you had evidence of interactions with only one ET that would be remarkable. If you had evidence of extensive interactions with multiple ETs you would be more famous and well known that Steven Greer. So i call bullshit. And i am a believer. Come uo with the goods instead of bluster.
Food companies catching UFO fever. Check out this Oreo vid:

Haha so true. They are my favorite bikies. And all my sons. I put a couple of packs in their xmas stockings every year. I have four sons ranging from 23 to 32. I haven't missed being santa in 32 years. WTer pistols. Toy cars wizz fizz silly toys etc and oreos.
One is married with 2 kibs and i have to drive ti his house. Go into a golf course and sneak into his house. They always look for there santa sack and look out if he forgot the oreos. Haha
NASA Administrator is asked about UFOs on a press conference on 1 June. Watch his response:

Full video below: