X-Portal | Alien Babble — Explore The Enigma


2019 Novel Coronavirus

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Image: Creative Commons (CC)
The Wuhan virus is spreading fast and authorities fear a global pandemic is at hand. New evidence suggests that this new virus has developed the ability to spread like the influenza, a mutation that would make it more easily transmissible between people.

Betelgeuse to go Supernova at any moment

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Royal Astronomical Society/e-MERLIN
The red supergiant star in the constellation Orion is experiencing wut many astronomers consider the initial death throes of a star before it finally goes out in a huge explosion. The star gained the attention of a group of astronomers who detected a significant and continous dimming of its light over a short period of time, a change that may indicate significant nuclear changes going on deep inside its core.

Current estimates predict that Betelgeuse could go supernova within the next one hundred thousand years - or maybe even sooner (one can only hope ☆). The explosion's luminosity is predicted to rival the full moon in our sky and will be visible even during daylight hours.

This event will be a fantastic opportunity for the scientific community to gather huge amounts of data that will test...

Trump Drones Iranian General

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Image: Creative Commons (CC)
The Middle East and the world are on the verge of war after the U.S. Administration terminated the prominent leader of the Iranian armed forces, Quassim Suleimani, with a drone strike. Suleimani is said to be the mastermind behind the recent attacks in Iraq that targeted American interests.

The Iranian gov is now in full retaliatory mode and is vowing revenge for the attack. To curtail further aggressions against vital assets in the Persian Gulf, such as the Strait of Hormuz, the U.S. is deploying a Navy battle group, Patriot missiles, and B-52 bombers to the region.

Are we on the brink of Armageddon? Will the tensions between Washington and Tehran spark a third world war? Will the aliens intervene in time to stop this madness?

Are Gravitational Waves Spurious Events?

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Brilliant physicist, Sabine Hossenfelder, is casting doubts on the discovery of gravitational waves. On this video, she makes a compelling argument against the handling of the detector's data. It seems an extreme form of cherry-picking is going on at the LIGO collaboration that favours signals that confirm the model of gravitational waves while tossing out the inconvenient ones. Have we actually detected GWs, or something more mundane? :(

UFO Over Area 51

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A team of image analysts revisited the 1989 UFO video captured by Bob Lazar and company during their observing trip to Area 51. The VHS version of the footage was analysed with cutting-edge software and the results confirmed Bob's testimony of certain details not seen in the raw footage, such as the hypothetical "Coronal mass ejection" emitted by the alien craft as it lifted from the ground. Bob was so impressed with the analysis, that he reached out to the team via investigative journalist, George knapp, to express his amazement at such extraordinary accomplishment.


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Are aliens actively visiting earth? That's what Contact, a new Discovery Channel series is trying to answer. With a formidable team of investigators with more combined degrees than a thermometer, and unprecedented data access courtesy of one of the most sophisticated C.I.A search algorithm software, the team launches into a global hunt for evidence of alien contact.

I'm currently on episode four and can highly recommend it. Those of you who watched Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation, will find the series format familiar, but more informative and intriguing as you follow the team around the world in their quest to put the alien puzzle together.

Antarctica: Alien Secrets Beneath the Ice

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Image: Vimeo
Investigative reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, just released a new documentary about an alleged alien structure hidden beneath the ice in Antarctica. After months of working with two military whistleblowers, Linda was able to put together this compelling programme that exposes a putative government cover-up going on in the frozen continent relating to extraterrestrial visitations. You don't want to miss this exclusive exposé!

Tesla's Cybertruck

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The unveiling of the new Tesla truck is already causing a divide among automobile critics and fans of the innovative company. Without question, the controversial design of the truck was meant to polarize the masses and generate the much-needed publicity that Musk has grown to expect. The futuristic contours of the truck, and its affordable price, beckons potential buyers to join Elon's world, where the future is now! How do you guys feel about the design?

Fifth Force Discovery

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Image: Attila Krasznahorkay
A Hungarian physics team searching for evidence of particles that could potentially explain dark matter, stumbled upon wut may turn out to be a fifth force of nature previously hypothesised but never before seen in the laboratory. The research group discovered the tantalizing signature of an unknown subatomic particle while bombarding thin sheets of lithium -7 with protons.

The mystery particle, which the team is calling, "X17" could turn out to be the boson carrier of a new force, or even the interaction byproduct of an old force that we failed to completely understand. Either way, exciting new times ahead in physics as scientists scramble to confirm the experimental results and come up with a theoretical description of the event.

Learn more...

Skinwalker Ranch: A Nefarious Tale

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Disturbing reports are emerging from a former Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS) employee regarding the secretive research conducted at Skinwalker Ranch. Christ Marx, a now-retired police officer and veteran of the Iraq war, appeared on The Black Vault earlier this month to recount his strange experience at one of the most paranormal hotspots in the U.S.

On the show, Chris exposed the internal workings of the bizarre programme and shared his suspicions about being the alleged, unwilling victim of a sinister human experiment.

Mystery tree appears inside car

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An unusual occurrence coming out of France is taking the Internet by storm. A youtube video showing a tree piercing an automobile has the community of Nantes, France in a state of awe. No one yet knows how the phenomenon happened, but it sure looks mind-boggling. Have a look:

The Raid on al-Baghdadi

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U.S. CENTCOM released video of the operation that took out Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq. John Greenwald of the Black Vault posted the raid videos on his YouTube channel:

The Brilliant Mind of Cory Doctorow

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Journalist, blogger, and science fiction writer, Cory Doctorow made an appearance on Sean Carroll's Mindscape podcast to discuss and digest for us the structure and political machinations going on inside the shadowy world of internet conglomerates. Cory addresses the present and future consequences that we face as a free society if we allow the digital monopolies to continue their agenda to allegedly deprive us of our freedom of choice and our right to the truth. I think this podcast is a fantastic intro to the works and mind of Cory for those of you who have not heard of him.

The Airplane of the (near) Future

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Airbus is giving us a preview of wut a typical cabin on a passenger plane will look like in 10 years! From the looks of it, it appears they want you to move in and live your life inside the jet. While the ride looks rather comfy and the amenities are too many to number, you would think their top priority would be to get you to your destination in as little time as possible so you wouldn't need all these creature comforts to begin with. Wut do you guys think? Should R&D be geared towards pampering customers, or better spent on developing faster and more enviro-friendly jets?

The James Webb Telescope

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My goodness, wut a fantastic talk on the JWT. If you are interested in the science and mission behind the new space telescope going up in March of next year, then this is THE talk for you:

B2 Bomber Cockpit

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Have a brief look inside the cockpit of the B2 stealth bomber. It appears all the magic happens on the outside judging by the avionics it uses, which are commonly found on commercial jets:

Alien Encounters

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A delightful mini-series by The Science Channel in collab with the SETI Institute, addresses some of our most burning questions and apprehensions arising from a hypothetical alien signal detection and subsequent visitation. I highly recommend it. Here are the episodes in viewing order:

U.S. Navy Confirms UFOs

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The Black Vault's John Greenwald, has once again scored big for the UFO community by obtaining U.S. Navy confirmation that the widely circulated Tic Tac and GIMBAL videos are legitimate footage of craft of unknown origin. The news of this confirmation is already making headlines across media circles, including The NY Times, and even Popular Mechanics.

This no doubt signals an unprecedented change of posture in the top echelon of the US Defense establishment and we owe John a debt of gratitude for probing deep into this matter.

Jeffrey Epstein Dead

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Controversial American financier and convicted felon, Jeffrey Epstein, was found dead on his cell after apparently hanging himself. The financier, accused of sex trafficking, was supposed to be under constant monitoring after a previous suicide attempt. The Justice Department and FBI are launching an investigation into his death.

One Million Strong to Storm Area 51

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Image: Matty Roberts via Facebook

It appears a large gathering of UFO enthusiasts are planning to storm the Groom Lake facility sometime in September. The call to invade the secret base in Nevada started as a joke on Facebook, but is quickly growing into a serious movement to push for government openness about the alien subject.

Matty Roberts, the mastermind behind the event, says the idea came to him after a full-day bender of video games and UFO documentaries. Inspired by the recently released film by Jeremy Corbell, Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers, and The Joe Rogan Experience featuring Bob, Matty took to social media with the message to "Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us."

It remains to be seen if the masses will actually attend the highly controversial event, but mainstream media outlets are starting to pay...