Skeptics Strike Back

What a waste of space he is. Seriously, buy my new book, and lets not talk about anything interesting with regards to

Oumuamua. He should be teaching in a high school somewhere lying to students.​

How can anyone take him seriously. Richard Feynman he is not.
What does the revelation tell you that you didn't already know ?
It is just part of the process. I have said that all along.
It tells me this...
The government now admits it could be Et. Prior to this they would not even admit there were ufos thay were not proverbial swamp gas.
By the above admissions its destigmatising coming forward with a sighting. You skeptics did everything you all could to discredit elizondo and it all failed. Elizondo has made good so far on every procesd and claim. He says this is the tip of the iceberg. He has talked about 4k images 50 feet away. Of close up shots of huge triangled emerging from tbe water.
The report was preliminary and the real report is 87 pages with 143 compelling unknowns. Of course the government won't release any of that before they see it.
I could go on for hours but i would be regurgitating all that is posted.
Even the tic tachas been authenticated as something real and tangible. And people on tnis very forum suggested and posted as evidence ideas it was a ballon
Malfunctioning eqipment. Lies. Hallucinations.
All now proven not to be the case.
How is all this a nothing burger.
Have all you skeptics been asleep?
And I might add, in one of Elizondo's most recent interviews he talks about the victory from all of this that helps to destigmatize the subject in a way that makes it OK for pilots, soldiers and anyone else to now come forward and tell their story.

I have had many arguments on this forum and others against what I consider the bullying tactics from many but not all skeptics, I have argued the prove god exists analogy is a cheap shot. The constant and ridiculous demand for proof where the skeptic knows there is none, again used as a weapon to undermine a posters experience. It is abused constantly, if something cannot be proved, it does not mean it did not happen as described, only that it cannot be proved. But skeptics use this broad stroke of the sword to cut down ever persons story by linking lack of proof to being akin to a false report. Skeptics have held the high ground because when they have had enough of arguing they just have to make fun of the poster with rubbish like this.


It has always been an easy tactic. But it is no different to a bunch of Jocks laughing at the fat kid with glasses.
Only it has been done under the guise of academic and a perceived superior ground where the skeptic has the advantage of the crowd.
How many lurkers to forums like this have wanted to post but chickened out for fear of ridicule and sarcasm.
Well no more. Peoples opinion is changing, people are beginning to be less frightened to come forward.

Soon, if not already people are starting to look at skeptics as the ones with their head in the sand.
The silly ones clinging to the ideas from 1945 Rural America.

I think Elizondo should be held as a hero for what he has done so far. And what seems to be coming next.
The heading is verbal gymnastics and verbal diarrhea

And this???
WTF where has this clown been, They have been sighted all over and many trans medium.
How come these dick heads just say I am a scientist, listen to me then leave out of their argument anything inconvenient.
These people are getting sillier by the day. And one day, I hope soon are going to be shown as the academic snobs they really are.

These sightings also lack any good supporting evidence to suggest they are life from other planets: UFOs were not observed entering our atmosphere from millions of miles away, leaving our atmosphere while en route to another planet or showing any sign of life, all things that would happen if UFOs really were extraterrestrials visiting us from Alpha Centauri.