The Elizondo Collection

Wow this one is riveting. 32 min mark he all but says he has first hand knowledge of advanced material that is beyond us.
This is one of the best interviews so far.
I love his comments about other imagery blowing peoples socks off...."Absolutely"
Great times to be a believer, I have dreamed of these times all my life.
I never really expected to see it.
Pandora's box is opened now, it matters little what the outcome of the report is, there is no going back from this.
Explosive Politico piece by Bryan Bender exposes the Elizondo ordeal in vivid detail. The former Pentagon employee reveals smearing and threats campaign against him for coming forward.

Dang it, wont display properly at work. Will have to wait until I get home. But it sounds like it is exactly what he said all along. I never doubted him, you would have to have rocks in your head to try and fake that. It is way too easy these days to be caught out.
How do you fake senior position in the CIA or government. Good on the reporter for expozing this.
The Black Vault uncovers mystery disappearance of emails related to Luis Elizondo. In a final statement to John Greenwald, the Pentagon admits to destroying any and all emails relating to Elizondo's tenure as director of AATIP.

He'll be selling T shirts next.
Why do you skeptics dislike him so much? I can underdtand disliking greer. But it seems to me Elizondohas ben pretty straight up from day one. I dont get it.
Who said I dislike him ? I for one have nothing against the guy.

You have to admit that the good old ufo bandwagon is a way of making a living.
The USA has a cult of personallity. Celebs get rich. And if the Pentagon thinks you are toxic, so much the better for your ratings.
Who said I dislike him ? I for one have nothing against the guy.

You have to admit that the good old ufo bandwagon is a way of making a living.
The USA has a cult of personallity. Celebs get rich. And if the Pentagon thinks you are toxic, so much the better for your ratings.
The only time i give any of that any thought is when folks like you and doc make comments like that. Dont give the "good old ufo bandwagon" any tbought at all. I wish we all agreed. Not so you would all be on my side. But so there were no sides. I have always had a genuine interest in ufos. I am 59 and still hold the same wonder i did as a kid. And i have not beome jaded ad hope i never do. So yeah. The constant put downs we believers constantly wear ets a bit old.
I just want to enjoy the ride and the wonder and hope one day soon we meet ET in a peaceful way. But the wsy some behave we dont deserve that.
You really aught to give 'the good old ufo bandwagon' some thought. It does the cause no good at all.
Ask yourself, why should we meet ET in a peaceful way ? If ET exists, why should it be wanting to be friendly ?
Just base you thinking on how we have behaved towards strangers who are from here and look like us.
Any ET of the classic case will probably not wish to come anywhere near us.
Look, you may even be right. But we just don't know.
As a gift, Zeus gave her a box, which she was told never to open. However, as soon as he was out of sight she took off the lid, and out swarmed all the troubles of the world, never to be recaptured. Only Hope was left in the box, stuck under the lid. Anything that looks ordinary but may produce unpredictable harmful results can thus be called a Pandora's box.
Hard to believe that Zeus could have been that gullible.

But having said that, The Republicans elected Trump.

...out swarmed all the troubles of the world,...
