Moon Landing Hoax....NOT

I would see an image of the Coke bottle/can the same images.
Yeah I am going to have to hunt for this one?? Why a can of coke would be on the Moon I don't know.
Maybe it is something else. I will try and find what Mahomas is talking about.
Hey did you see the movie "The Gods must be Crazy" Hilarious, Some African tribesmen find a bottle of coke. Funny as hell.

Why does he post it?
I don't know? I have been trying to get him to post proper links not just vague references to myths but...anyway, I am happy he posted what he did.
Sorry mahomas, it is rude to talk about you as a third person. My apologies.
Ahh OK I found it here

An Australian lady called Una Ronald saw a coke bottle kicked across the moon during the Apollo 11 landing. How careless! It must have been filmed in a studioBeliever: Where to start? Una, if she exists, saw something that the rest of the watching world missed, and of which zero evidence survives. This coke is unlikely to be the real thing.

And here...
Oh dear, we have been unmasked!!!

OK so now I know what your talking about Mahomas.
All you have to do is to do a google search for a high res image of the flag planing and zoom in. Instead of that (conveniently) crappy one in the clip above.
Here it is zoomed in, please note the object on the left the flask, and the object on the right, the coke can.
In fact, they are just rocks...
Easily seen, identified and debunked.
Compare the two, they are the same.
I did not even try for the best image. If you look there is probably clearer ones again.

OK so I hope I have offered my opinion to you in a polite manner.
If I missed anything it was unintentional, please let me know.
I assume you will disagree with my thoughts.
Over to you now.
Please don't just suggest my IQ is low like last time and walk away.
If I have made a mistake point it out.
You won't be the first or last person to make me eat humble pie if you do :)
I just read those disclaimers on that website. I can not believe arrogant people without a diploma have had scientists on their knees arguing at their level for so long and I think it is high time that the Earthlings split in two key-groups over this one. The evolved and the devolved.
I just read those disclaimers on that website. I can not believe arrogant people without a diploma have had scientists on their knees arguing at their level for so long and I think it is high time that the Earthlings split in two key-groups over this one. The evolved and the devolved.
Yeah I know. Makes you wonder how the mind works.
Be careful what you wish for, I have a couple of mates that are very devolved, lol I would hate to see them any worse than they are
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Sorry a second correction, I cut too much off the image when I zoomed in but did not realize it. I am at work and a bit busy so my bad. You can reference the shadow and clearly see there is nothing but dirt, no coke can.
Again sorry for the error.

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You dundee and others are the bullies here not wanting to listen to any evidence from ones that believe A11 was a hoax .
Hey where did my post go?
And I just posted @the kansas craft thread now its not there this a forum or a blog? Delieting posts that bother you now? Ah you would have to read a book that your afraid might prove you wrong .
Your wrong on radiation on the moon there is gamma rays that we do not get on earth ,I got a few yrs on you
Hi Mahomes. I've not deleted any of your content. Our policy is to notify our members of any moderation immediately. Please, feel free to repost any deleted content and let us know if it happens again :)
Yes I see it it seemed to take
Yeah I am going to have to hunt for this one?? Why a can of coke would be on the Moon I don't know.
Maybe it is something else. I will try and find what Mahomas is talking about.
The book Dark moon and the Apollo whistle blowers is like 380p. So there is 1-2k word article on each of the incidents that he says prove it false. I tried to get the book again from our library but they have none now ( thats a interesting story too)
Why not read through it 1st to see what I am talking of ? As I remember
A reporter from a Austrailian very remote tv station pursuaded the tracking station out in sparcely populated W Oz to broadcast the feed live and that happened only there, before it was relayed and of course cleaned up by nasa. It is gone. But there are many many things like this in the book
This event was what really started the faked discussion.